Go Wild! Red Rock
3 hr, 6 hr map adventure courses - Red Rock Canyon State Park, Cantil, CA - Sunday, November 20, 2016

Enjoy the rugged desert wilds of Red Rock Canyon near Mojave, CA. Spectacular rock formations and beautiful desert vistas await. In teams of 1 to 5, find up to 26 checkpoints with enhanced USGS topographic maps in 3 or 6 hours. Trails and features are added to the maps, and there will be refreshment stations on the course. Upon returning, enjoy some hearty food and share awesome stories. Camping available on site.

This event is co-produced with terraloco.  For complete event information, and to register, go to terraloco's event page.

Make it a weekend!

Los Angeles Orienteering Club will host an array of Orienteering courses on Saturday November 19, in the same general area.  More information on the LAOC Red Rock event here.

