Below you can find links to the Overall 2019 NAV-X Series Standings. Please e-mail us at with any questions or corrections.
We had a strong showing of 80+ participants join in at our last event of 2019. The weather cooperated late in the year to make it a stellar day out on the course. Bill & Heidi set a fun course with a lot of route options, and plenty of challenges (elevation, navigation, poison oak avoidance). Was great to see so many smiles at the finish, as well as many new faces! We strive to grow our events, so if anyone has feedback for us please don't hesitate to email
Both the 2 and 4h courses saw some stiff competition, with little separating the top point getters. Was fun to compare routes with everyone at the finish, to see how they managed to eke out those last few controls. Both Dennis and Lubo managed to reach all 43 controls in the 4h division, a very impressive effort!
1170 Matej Sebo (BAOC)
1110 Eric Rosenzweig (BAOC)
1100 Terraloco - Rex Winterbottom (BAOC)
1050 Reka Zempleni (BAOC)
1020 running bear - Fyodor Konkov (BAOC)
2470 (3:31:35) Dennis Wilkinson (NAVX)
2470 (3:58:00) Lubomir Sebo (BAOC)
2430 Zoltan Horvath (BAOC)
2200 Andrew Peterson (NAVX)
2000 Daniel Sebo (BAOC)
A huge thanks to the following people (in no particular order) without whom this event would not have been possible:
Vicki Woolworth - Food Shopping, Event Setup, Event Director, Breakdown
Bill Cusworth - Course Design, Registration, Event Setup, Check-in, Course Pickup
Heidi Cusworth - Course Design
Andrew Peterson - Website, Event Director, Course Pickup
Bob Cooley - Map printing
Dennis Wilkinson - Event Setup, Course Pickup
Scott Aster - Event Parking
Donnie - Course Pickup
Jay Hann of Western Race Services provided ePunch and live results services.
Around 50 intrepid adventurers came out on a warm October day to frolic in the hills above Gilroy at Harvey Bear Ranch Park. This number is a bit lower than our typical attendance (possibly because of a late date change imposed by the park; it's been an interesting year for us in that regard). We strive to grow our events, so if anyone has feedback for us please don't hesitate to email
Harvey Bear 3 hour map trek participants at the Start
3290 Mats Jansson (NAV-X)
3230 Kyle Halliday (BAOC)
2960 Tom De Vre (BAOC)
2570 Manfred Kopisch (BAOC)
2470 Greg Favor (BAOC)
2200 Daniel Sebo (BAOC)
1610 Takashi Sugiyama (BAOC)
1530 Rex Winterbottom (BAOC/terraloco)
1430 Kipley Fiebig
1420 Mareese Keane (BAOC)
Harvey Bear 6 hour map trek participants at the Start
We have a Mountain bike event October 20 at Deer Creek Hills, and a foot event Novermber 16 at Tamarancho. Check our website for details, and hope to see you there!
Dennis and the NAV-X Team
We had spectacularly good weather, beautiful terrain at Dinkey Creek, a great bunch of competitors, and a fun, successful event.
21 teams took part in the 24-hour North American Rogaining Championship event. Congratulations to everyone for completing a tough course! Winners in their respective class divisions are North American Champions!
The 2019 North American Rogaining Championships is a qualifier event for the World Rogaining Championships, taking place in the Lake Tahoe area of California next summer (see for details). First and Second place teams in each class division receive Automatic Pre-Qualified status for WRC2020, and Third place teams receive Preferred Pre-Qualified status for WRC2020.
Overall, the top men’s team was the “Pacific Mountain Runners” (Andy Pearson and Sean Ranney), who gathered an awesome 2900 points. They were followed by the “Bogong Boys” (Vic Sedunary and Merv Trease) from Australia, with 2680 points. The top women’s team was “We Tried” (Alexis Merka and Dagmar Merkova), with 1270 points, and they were followed very closely by the “White Walkers” (Sue Kuestner and Vicki Woolworth) with 1210 points. The top mixed team was “Eric and Sharon” (Eric Smith and Sharon Crawford) who gathered 1900 points, while “Offwidth” (Daniel Engovatov and Jane Yurkevich) gathered 1460 points.
In the 8-hour map trek, Bill Cusworth and Mats Jansson gathered a remarkable 1570 points! Wow!!!
And in the 4-hour map trek, Daniel Sebo picked up 810 points. Awesome!
We had a total of 65 participants, most of whom were on the 24-hour championship course. It was great to see familiar and unfamiliar faces, from near and far, and very far (Australia)!
We sincerely thank all our volunteers, without whom there would be no fun at all. In alphabetical order:
Bob Cooley - Map Printing
Bill Cusworth - Registration, Map Updates, Setup, Control Pickup
Peter Graube - Control Pickup
Vladimir Gusiatnikov - Control Setting
Jay Hann - Control Setting & Pickup, Hash House, Equipment, Food, Water, Results, Setup & Takedown
Mats Jansson - Hash House, Control Pickup, Setup & Takedown
Andrew Peterson - Website
Aron Walker - Control Pickup
Dennis Wilkinson - Course Design, Control Setup & Pickup, Hash House, Setup & Takedown
Gavin Wyatt-Mair - Control Setting & Pickup, Hash House, Food, Water, Porta Potties, Awards, Setup & Takedown, Permits
Gavin Wyatt-Mair & The NAV-X Team
This “event” was a little different. Due to the challenge in getting a regular event permit, we did this “under the radar” with smaller group gatherings on three weekends July 27th, August 3rd and 17th. We also had to use a different timing/scoring system that worked well overall, but that had a few issues, mostly server performance related to the UK company that is running it (Sporteering).
We had 28 people competing on the 6h course, and 27 on the 3h course, for a total of 55 people who decided to take the risk with something “new and different” - kudos to all of you!
We will be sending out a survey specifically on the Sporteering system in the next couple of weeks, to get feedback about your experience with it. Based on the feedback, we may use it more or less in the future.
While the road up to the trail head is rough, once we get there, the terrain is nothing short of spectacular. The map is far better than any comparable topo based map trek too, so we hope to return to this venue in the future.
Highest Scores (Max=2770) on the 6hr Course:
2740 Dennis Wilkinson NAVX
2300 Roy Malone GCO
2190 Kyle Halliday BAOC
1979 Brian Moore -
1916 Andrew Peterson NAVX
Highest Scores on the 3hr Course:
1606 Daniel Sebo BAOC
1050 Julia D / Fyodor K BAOC
1032 Team Nordic (Ertmann’s) BAOC
1006 Jeff Goodwin BAOC
829 Scrapes & Bruises (Duke’s) GCO
A huge thanks to the following people (in no particular order) without whom this event would not have been possible:
Bill Cusworth - Mapping
Mats Jansson - Course Design & Setting, Course Pickup
Vicki Woolworth - Event host July 27th
Andrew Peterson - Event host August 3rd
Dennis Wilkinson - Event host Aug 17th
Bob Cooley - Map printing
Our next (3h/6h map trek) event at Harvey Bear / Coyote Lake south of San Jose is coming up on Sunday October 6th. More details will be announced soon.
The NAV-X Team
After a rain-out (due to road conditions) in April, we finally got back to beautiful Deer Creek Hills on Sunday May 19th, 2019. What could have been a very hot day in a normal year, ended up feeling more like February than May. Rain keeps haunting us this season (and at this location!), but that didn’t keep 57 hardy souls from trying their best at a 50 checkpoint course by Mats Jansson that covered much of the 4,500 acre preserve.
We captured some of the moments throughout the day. Follow this link to a google photos gallery.
3400 Bones - Roy Malone (GCO)
3380 Lubomir Sebo (BAOC)
3260 Marc Triquell (LAOC)
2820 Tom De Vre (BAOC)
2760 HalFastAsleep - Gavin Wyatt-Mair (BAOC)
2350 Daniel Sebo (BAOC)
2300 Mark Prior (SDO)
1840 Greg Khanlarov (BAOC)
1840 Rex Winterbottom (BAOC)
1830 Takashi Sugiyama (BAOC)
The series standings for 2019 have also been added to the website, available on our 2019 results page.
A huge thanks to the following people (in no particular order) without whom this event would not have been possible:
Vicki Woolworth - Food Shopping, Event Setup, Breakdown
Bill Cusworth - Registration, Event Setup, Check-in, Map Updates
Mats Jansson - Course Design & Setting, Event Setup & Breakdown, Course Pickup
Andrew Peterson - Event Director, Course Pickup
Bob Cooley - Map printing
Vladimir Gusiatnikov - Course Pickup
Jay Hann of Western Race Services provided ePunch and live results services. We also had great support from Marshall Gorman at the Sacramento Valley Conservancy. They do great work in the region - consider donating or volunteering.
Lastly, thanks to everyone who came out to our 2nd event of 2019! It was great to see so many familiar faces, as well as new ones. Our next (3h/6h mountain) event at 100 Lakes will be offered as a “low impact” GPS-scored event over four Saturdays in July (you pick a Saturday that works for you). More details will be announced soon.
Andrew & The NAV-X Team
More pictures from the event here.
Olmstead Loop in the Auburn SRA is a classic “trail destination” for mountain bikers, trail runners, hikers and equestrians. And it did not disappoint with near perfect weather, and excellent trail conditions (grippy single track and not too much mud or poison oak).
Course setter Roy Malone from Bones Adventure Racing had tried hard to make sure no one would clear the 3h course, but due to permit restrictions mere days before the event, was forced to remove a remote control from the course. This was enough for Dennis Wilkinson, Andrew Peterson and Jonathan Owens to get all remaining 35 controls and all arriving at the finish in the last 7 minutes.
We had a total of 87 participants (77 on the 3h course and 10 on the 1.5h course), and an amazing turnout from local high school mountain bike teams, thanks to Cycling Development and Granite Bay MTB Team. This was a great turnout for our first foray into a cycling version of our popular “foot based” Map Adventures (Map Trek).
Dennis Wilkinson - 2150 points (2:53:20)
Andrew Peterson - 2150 points (2:56:35)
Jon Owens - 2150 points (2:58:33)
Ryan Zahner - 1930 points
Wildcats (Garrett Klotz, Jacob Velasco, Matthew Bosano, William Hatch and Zach Wright)
Mila Olson - 1040 points
Nat Evatt - 990 points
James Aspinall - 800 points
Winners all earned a free entry to our next event (see below), and the entire podium received the new NAV-X arm warmers, made of a relatively thin material so they are great for just taking the edge off the start of a morning ride.
Next, we set our sights to the next Mountain Bike Map Race in and around Burton Creek State Park in Tahoe City on the North shore of Lake Tahoe. More information will soon be posted for NAV-X Mountain Bike - Tahoe City. We continue our partnership with Bones Adventure, who will design and set the course for us. Also, this event is part of Tahoe Adventure Sports Weeks (spear headed by Todd Jackson of Big Blue Adventure), so we should get some good exposure and see some new faces from that.
Volunteers - thank you! Huge thanks also to the following people (in no particular order) without whom this event would not have been possible:
Roy Malone - Course setting, control setting and pickup, co-event director
Dennis Wilkinson - Setup, parking, breakdown, control pickup
Bill Cusworth - Registrations, setup, check-in, refreshments and control pickup
Mats Jansson - Map making, map boards, setup, co-event director, control setting and pickup
Andrew Peterson - Website, here and there help
Bob Cooley - Map printing
Jay Hann of Western Race Services provided ePunch and live results services. Bay Area Orienteering Club allowed us to use their epunch control stations and bags. Barking Frogs provided the new NAV-X arm sleeves. We also had great support from Sue Fitch from the State Park office in Auburn. Thanks also to all the horse people who gave us free reign in the park on this day.
Great to see familiar and unfamiliar faces out there, and we’re hoping for a similar turnout at the next event in Lake Tahoe. See you there!!
NAV-X Map Adventures and Bones Adventure Racing
We kicked off the 2019 season with a wet & muddy day in the East Bay hills, searching for a whopping 56 set controls. Despite the conditions we had 121 brave participants come out and compete on a slippery course. A lot of you came back soaking wet, covered in mud…with smiles on your faces! We had a lot of the usual suspects in attendance, with a lot of new competitors, who impressed.
We tried to take some pictures at the start, as well as all of our top finishers. Follow this link to a google photos gallery.
The 2hr course saw some solid showings, with many of you clearing 1400 points! Greg Khanlarov eeked out top overall with a score of 1480, and Daniel Sebo continued his strong performances with a second overall score of 1450. We had a lot of newbies taking part in the 2hr event, including several friend groups and families who started the day learning how to use a compass and topo map, then finished it strong with bagged controls.
We saw a lot of strong competitors on the 4hr course, with the top four competitors clearing more than 2000 points. Kyle Halliday led the pack with an impressive 2300 points.
2300 Kyle Halliday
2230 Marc Triquell
2190 Paddy O’Leary
2130 Lubomir Sebo
1900 Mats Jansson
1480 Greg Khanlarov
1450 Daniel Sebo
1400 Riley Culberg
1310 Lori Huberman (Presto!)
1280 Jeffrey Goodwin & Ryan Booth (The Leftovers)
A huge thanks to the following people (in no particular order) without whom this event would not have been possible:
Vicki Woolworth - Permits, Course Design & Setting, Event Setup, Breakdown, Course Pickup
Bill Cusworth - Registration, Event Setup, Course Pickup
Mats Jansson - Event Setup & Breakdown
Dennis Wilkinson - Course Setup & Pickup
Andrew Peterson - Event Director, Course Pickup
Bob Cooley - Map printing
Misha Kreslavsky - Course Pickup
Jay Hann - Course Pickup
George Minarik - Equipment transfer
Jay Hann of Western Race Services provided ePunch and live results services. Barking Frogs provided head gear for the raffle. Adventure Medical Kits provided blister medkits, medical kits, and bivvy sacks for the raffle. We also had great support from Sergio Huerta (Tilden), Patrick McIntyre (Wildcat) of the East Bay Regional Park District.
Thanks to everyone who came out to our first event of 2019! It was great to see so many familiar faces, as well as new ones. Please spread the word, so we can continue to grow navigation sports in the Bay Area.
Andrew & The NAV-X Team