2021 NAV-X GPS Challenge Results

The official 2021 race results


2021 NAV-X GPS Challenge Results

The official 2021 race results

NOTE: “Preliminary Results” are the MapRunner scores, which use different late penalty scores. Final scores will vary for those who Finish late.

NOTE: Final results will be published soon after the close of the course.

Series Final Results

NOTE: For the Series, final rankings are determined as follows. Each event is given a maximum point total equal to 100pts x the number of hours of the event (4hr event = 400pts). This value is assigned to the event’s highest scorer and everyone else is given a series score that is ratioed to this based on their own score in the event. In previous seasons, with 6 events, the best 7-hr and 14-hr point totals (short and long course) were used to provide final rankings. In 2021, we had 10 events total, 9 GPS events and one in-person event at Northstar in conjunction with BAOC. Therefore, the totals were increased to best 10-hr and 20-hr totals for the short and long courses. Also, to count in the series you have to complete 2 or more event courses.

Individual Race Results in the 2021 Series:

#1 - FEBRUARY/MARCH - sunol

#2 - March/APRIL - Auburn


#4 - May/June - almaden / quicksilver


North American Rogaining Championships (NARC)


#7 - september/october - annadel sp

#8 - october/november - black diamond mines

2021 courses are closed for obtaining official results. Courses can be run for free to NAV-X club members (more information will be published shortly). NOTE: The bio-degradable streamers may be less reliable the longer after the race window you run a course.

20/21 NAV-X GPS Training Courses - Results

20/21 NAV-X GPS Training Courses - Results

 2021 NAV-X GPS Training Course @ joaquin miller

2021 NAV-X GPS Training Course @ Mississippi Bar

2021 NAV-X GPS Training Course @ Arastradero

2020/2021 NAV-X GPS Training Course @ Annadel